Don’t be cute. People are smart enough to know what the $78/hr means. Just because you have no problem with the government picking winners and losers in business doesn’t mean the rest of us have to follow.... Who is next for a bail-out? Having screwed up with TARP is NOT a good reason to throw more money at hopeless causes.
Once people understood the job banks the unions lost all credibility. No responsible person will advocate wasting money and worker’s time like that. Ergo, unions are irresponsible....while laughing their way to the bank.
The labor cost is the issue here, past, present and future. You can point fingers at the management, but only after the labor pool has set its own example. If I were in the workforce I would be trying to organize a worker’s union; screw the fat cats.
Huh? At least 2 trillion for bankers and we are arguing over 14 billion for auto makers. That's less than .75% of the money we gave the bankers. How did they become more important than the auto makers?