Sorry, but I live in a big city, and I KNOW that small town values are better than the ones we have here. That does not mean that everyone in a big city has terrible values, but on the whole, I’ll take small town values over large city values any day.
That is because small town values mean watching out for one another, helping out your neighbor and not expecting something in return, keeping your word, being self-sufficient, shooting straight, riding well, and telling the truth. Simply put, our values are based upon the “WE” ...
Most people in the cities have abandoned the “WE” concept and replaced it with the “ME” concept: ME-ME-ME-ME, I-I-I-I-I, 24/7.
Washington inabitants are the worst.
What political constituency now has a strangle-hold on our cities? Liberal socialist trash. This explains why, when a disaster strikes, you can safely bet city dwellers will steal from their own mothers, hoard whatever they can for themselves, and kill anyone that stands between them and a plasma-screen television... even though electricity is non-existant. The recent Thanksgiving Walmart fiasco is a perfect example of city mentality: moral deviants.