It would be far better yet to not be conceived at all.
The problem is that liberals are immoral at their core. The basis of their very belief system is that it is okay to steal earnings from one group to give to another group without the consent of the first group.
With that as their basis the rest of the tree is corrupt.
The ones that don’t believe in God, Jung said they constellate the God complex within. Meaning they become in their own mind the highest source of what is moral.
This creates subjective morality. So killing millions is okay to institute socialism becasue you have already made the leap that it is okay to kill the unborn.
With this in mind, Obama cannot love anyone or anything.
A person who candisconnect from their core self and allow for a baby to die unattended after being born alive at a botched abortion is a person who is capible of killing twn thousand people without even batting an eye, twitch.
Our country is in for some very intersesing times as the left drains our wealth and re-distributes it around the world to all the other leftist thugs.
And mostly Americans will do nothing.
WHo is John Galt? I feel I am living in a novel.