The "metabolic factor disorder" model was just a model. To a great degree effective treatment could be designed around it, and a diabetic could exercise, restrict carbohydrates in the diet, control weight, use a minimal level of drugs and get along pretty well.
Unfortunately it was observed that many (apparently "most") continued to deteriorat just as if they were losing beta cells.
The approach has changed over the last year to the viewpoint you see in this article. Notice that your pet gila monster produces a substance that mimics a hormone normally produced by your body that controls all sorts of things ranging from production of glucogen to production of insulin.
What I'm going to do is get one of those large glass cages for my living room where the animals will be happy. We'll start raising gila monsters for fun, profit and the beneficial characteristics of their saliva. I have an old friend who has a cage full of these guys in his living room, and as they sit there on the designer rocks in the bottom, looking out at some invisible point on the wall, I can pretend they are not only healthy to have, but highly entertaining!
You’d better be careful milking your (gila) monster!