Can you or anyone here clue me in to how many household and for how many years have these video games in them as part of a regular activity?
We do interactive family things not because we are non playstation snobs just.
Just different family interests that never included vid games.
Well I take that back somewhat.
We do enjoy the 1 cent interactive arm bandits that are now at the local Indian Casino so I guess we do play video games on occasion.
In the Civil war, and WW1, it was noticed that soldiers were being killed without ever firing a shot. After review, they changed the training targets from bulls-eyes to human silhouettes. With this training change, the kill ratio went up markedly for the newly trained troops. They simply had to be "conditioned" to be able to shoot at a human target.
I have not been involved with (and won't take part in) these types of video games (I have bigger fish to fry). However, the pervasiveness of these games in the younger generation now is astounding. If I did, I would be doing one of the "Flight Simulator" games, just for the aviation training. Heck, it seems there is a market for drone pilots, and it's only going to get bigger...