Obama won for a whole host of reasons, but mainly because the press did not investigate him because they wanted him elected, and because he was more articulate and energetic than old McCain, who excited no one, and Obama promised the middle class tax breaks just like Clinton did. But just as Clinton did Obama will reneg on those promises once in office. That $250,000 ceiling will be down to $42,000 by the time he’s done with it.
Then Republicans should NEVER stop calling him on it, that he broke his promise. Republicans didn’t hold Clinton responsible for his broken promise, but I hope they learn that they need to do so this time!
There was another thing I realized after I posted that: Jindal's parents are immigrants from India, making him one of those non-white people that are supposedly all Democrats. The guy who posted this comment is an idiot... I guess I didn't need to point that out. :)