Theres no intent to kill on the womans part when her body is reacting that way beyond her control..
I said "apparent miscarraige". "Crib death" is not murder or manslaughter, and doesn't involve any intent to kill on part of the parents, either. But that death will still be investigated to be sure that's what happened.
Doctors are required to report evidence of child abuse to the police. If a doctor examines a woman and finds what appears to be evidence of a recent surgical abortion, what should he do?
If she has a miscarraige, and blood tests might show evidence of abortificant drugs, can he be required to run those tests and report the results to the police?
So every time a woman bleeds it needs to be investigated as a possible homicide? You need to get a grip. It's nowhere near in the same category as crib death.
Just when you think you've heard it all from an evo....