I keep asking the same question. Why is it the auto makers responsibility to solve our energy crisis.
We are the only country in the world that does not use its own resources.
The answer to your question is the Democrat Politcal Party the ACLU and the Envirowackos.
The phony energy crises we have exists only for politics. We could have been energy independent decades ago.
We will always have a “crisis” of some sort when the gov’t gets involved in things.Trash the EPA,the fleet milage and crash test standards. Let the petroleum industry tap the resources available. Drill more, pump more
“The phony energy crises we have exists only for politics.”
One more thing than politics. Profit.
IBM ran a full page ad in Automotive News bragging that you and I and our neighbors will spend $105,000,000,000 (billion) on being green (not dressing like Kermit the frog but paying dues to the Global Warming idol)
And I understand completely why Alaska wanted to secede from the mainland USA.