The Florida legislature was totally prepared NOT to seat Gore delegates.
You are right. I remember that. But keep in mind that ***after*** the dems ‘find’ enough notes to put them over the top, it is hard to argue against their contrived result. I witnessed that here in Seattle in 2004.
Had the SCOTUS not intervened, AND the dems had found 548 more votes, then it would have been harder for the FL legislature to fight the result, no matter how fraudulent.
Thus it was important that SCOTUS stop the FL Supremes decision to allow only dem selected counties to be canvassed. Otherwise it would have been a state crisis between the FL Supremes and the FL legislature while dems found their votes and obtained the upperhand.
On your previous post to me, I am speechless that votes were found favoring the Republican. If they were hatched from the Ether, I have to take a hiatus and ponder whether this is where I want my party to go; Fire with Fire and all that. If Repubs are going to co-opt the dem playbook, then maybe it is a good thing because the outcry coming from slimy liberals will force badly needed voter reform, and then the likelihood of fraud should be diminished.