Thank you for making the $65,535.00 point here.
The second point that riffs off your point is “how many people who are worried about future unemployment, the economy, the declining value of their house, their mortgage, their retirement, their kids college expenses, etc - worry about buying a new car, regardless of the Chapter 11 status?”
Well, as we see from the car sales stats for November, not many. Even the Japanese automakers are seeing huge declines in sales from a year ago. It isn’t just a “GM” thing or a Big Three thing - it is a *consumer* thing. The consumer is tapped out, run dry, has nothing left to spend but pocket lint.
Hey GM, it’s global Stupid. We are in for a long ride, and it won’t be in a brand new GM vehicle. And why the hell should GM receive a dime? If Uncle Sugar wanted to help GM, he could give a $10,000 credit to all GM buyers. If Uncle Sugar “gives away” billions of dollars directly to the uh GM, it will go directly into the toilet.