Ha!! In the mean time... in spite of the fact about his not meeting even the most cursory qualifiers for President, this guy has proved what Americans have ALWAYS said.... Anyone can become president of the US. (It just better never be a female who is a political conservative and also a practicing Christian)
When we always said, Anyone can be President, we did not mean an unqualified, inexperienced, race baiting, Anti-American, radical populist, with dicey, direct and long-standing associations to some of the most demonstrably treasonous and certifiably lunatic extremists, criminals and snake oil purveyors on earth . Oh well. I guess thats anyone!
What candidate in his right mind would have/know of such a document and shilly shally about presenting it?
One who has something else besides birthplace on it that he doesn’t want known?
I agree; it’s not just the place of birth that bothers zero — and I suspect it’s the name of the father. I really doubt this Barack Obama senior was the father. I see absolutely no resemblance whatsoever while zero does bear resemblance to the likes of Malcolm X and Frank Marshall, the commie.