If this issue was going to be pursued, it needed to pursued intensely and professionally BEFORE the election
It was ,, in fact the election hasn’t yet occurred..
President-elect Obama is ...
Sorry ,, he is not president elect until the electors vote ... rules rules rules ... it doesn’t matter what the graphic he puts up in front of himself reads
a Constitutional amendment changing the eligibility requirements ...would be fast-tracked Id vote for it, to avoid the dangerous destabilization of the US that could literally lead to the demise of the nation.
you’re delusional if you think codifying RAT rulebreaking will stabilize the USA ... you’d be throwing out our foundation , the rule of law.
I really think the conservatives who are jumping on this bandwagon are allowing themselves to be used as the proverbial useful idiots by forces whose chief aim is the destabilization of the US.
By running a communist on the RAT ticket Soros had a win-win ,, in some small sense you’re right but we cannot allow his eligibility (either yea or nay) to go undiscovered..
Errr, last I heard the Constitution IS our rule of law, and it has provisions for amendment, and any amendments made per those provisions become part of our Constitutional rule of law.