Aren’t AK-47 rifles about 50 years old?;_ylu=X3oDMTE1cHY5cHJ0BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01BUDAxOV8xMTc-/SIG=11mrmthgq/EXP=1228368161/**http%3a//
1949,,,still the best there is...
Full auto vs. bolt action. Volume of fire is more effective unless the guy with the Lee-Enfield is a sniper. It would take a highly trained specialist to take on an enemy armed with assault rifles, and probably not a regular police officer.
Yes they are, since the Indian Army has changed from a license built FN/FAL to a locally designed and produced 5.56x45 assault rifle, there are plenty of the former in the hands of the police and paramilitaries. The FN/FAL is of about the same vintage as the AK, but is much more powerful. The only pictures of police I saw had them armed with the FN/FAL, but those were not the "commandos" who actually went in and dug the terrorists out of the hotel. Those probably were armed with the local clone of the Israeli micro Tavor(sic), which comes in three different chamberings, 5.56x45, 5.56x30 (Indian catridge) and 9mm.
The FN/FAL fires the full power 7.62x51 (AKA 7.62 NATO/.308) while the AK fires either the 7.62x39 or the 5.45x39, which are intermediate power cartridges. Of course the cartridges are smaller and lighter so they make a better choice for terrorists, who kinda have to travel light most of the time. The police and paramilitaries, OTOH, will generally be operating near their stations and their vehicles.
But they have point about the vests. Those looked like something out a Japanese Shogun movie, or maybe Gunga-Din, to put in the right part of the world. :)
At over 100 yards, the 47 is a piece of crap compared to the 7.62 NATO Enfield, (I have several).
The training is the issue. Our local police would have done little better on a moment's notice.
The officials were warned this raid was coming and should be held accountable for sending these rag tag boys to their destruction.
The design is, but they are still being made. It is an inherently reliable, simple design. If I could have only one weapon in the world it would be an AK