‘Native’s rights to hunt whales outweigh the exploration for Oil and Natural Gas.’
Pretty funny the enviro’s arguments center around whale _hunting_. Bet that makes their heads hurt. ;-)
Typical obstructionist nonsense. I’m pretty sure the oil companies could provide equivalent food to the affected communities for a small fraction of what the studies and delays cost. And really, who cares about national/energy security anyhow? 0bama’s coming! Free energy for all, just like health care! /hurl
9th Circus decision... Figures
It’s interesting that when I catch a segment on the Inuit settlements in the far north, almost all of the folks are wearing synthetic parkas, snowboots and other gear made out of petroleum based materials, drive snow MACHINES (hat tip to Sarah!), use generators, modern rifles, etc., etc., the list seems endless. This is not a put-down of these fascinating people, mearly an observation of what they seem to PREFER and more power to them!
The Iditarod has all synthetic based gear also, this year only one participant built his own sled and it was of modern materials but lashed at the joints and the runners had replaceable plastic strips to adapt to the conditions like all the others. Lots of veterans among those people too, it’s not like they live in a vacuum.