I think it’s more complicated than that.
The real big problem is, not only are people who hate us enriched by our addiction to oil.
So also, are people who influence our government, and our industry.
That’s the real problem. So much money is at stake, policy is influenced by ... people whose fortunes are dependent on America continuing, to make bad choices.
Energy is required to live in our modern age. There are many forms of energy production, Coal, Oil, Nuclear, Wind, Geothermal, Solar, Natural Gas, even Ocean Currents.
Singling out Oil, which will be in abundant supply FROM DOMESTIC PRODUCTION for hundreds of years, is Liberal feel good Environut talk.
Consumers make choices based on want, need and their ability to pay, that is Capitalism. When the Government decides how big my house can be, what kind of car I can drive and rations how much energy I am allowed to use, that is Communism.
I don't do Communism. The free market, just like water, finds its level. All that is required is for the Government to get out of the way.