'Funded by UK cash': The Taj Mahal hotel burns during the terror attack on Mumbai - an Islamic terrorist group funded with cash raised in British mosques is thought to be behind the attack
One naturally wonders how much cash for terrorism is coming from mosques in the USA...or, rather, perhaps we already have a good guess....
This is the place to start. Eradicating mosques that preach jihad. Like eradicating nests of cockroaches. Only worse. Much, much worse.
How you like that Britain? YOUR tax dollars went to kill your own citizens traveling in your former colony.
Keep the muslims on the dole, why don’t ya?
The story is told in song on YouTube - MUSLIMS IN LONDON (WEREWOLVES IN LONDON) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwoGtHAG8IQ
But...but...It’s racism to say such things!!!
After this story the 3 big British political parties (Labour, Lib dems & Tories) plus that stupid Archbishop (Rowan Williams) will demand that sharia law must be instituted in England immediately.
Meanwhile the persecution of lawful British members or supporters of the British National Party (BNP), who are trying to stand up to this madness, will continue. BNP is far from perfect but they oddly oppose sharia unlike the other parties.
have you seen this yet?
How much of Obama’s campaign funds were raised in UK mosques ?