How is this like yelling FIRE?
This is an organized event, with a scheduled start time, promoted nationwide, and held for the purpose of making money. Not at all like an emergency.
The fact that animals show up at some of these events simply means that humans shouldn’t.
What if I put on a sale, say a brand new Cadillac. One dollar. First person to run to the end of a hall and hand me a dollar gets the car. Okay, everybody, when I open the door... On your marks, get set... GO!!! So what if someone or sometwo or somethree losers get trampled to death? Not my fault. No skin off my teeth.
I’m sure the guy who shouts ‘fire’ in a crowded theater would defend himself the same way.
There really needs to be a nationwide test to determine humanity.
If you fail, then you’re branded an animal... and treated as such.
Humanity is a mental state, not a physical one.