To: re_tail20
In a way, over time, we and the other Iraqis have killed him in the way he hates most, by making him totally irrelevant. For people like him, thats a fate worse than death.If he's so irrelevant, then his remarks would not be making the news. If he was dead, then he would be completely irrelevant. After all, no one is asking Saddam Hussein what he thinks of this agreement.
8 posted on
11/28/2008 2:32:40 PM PST by
(Save America - Ban Ethanol Now!)
To: pnh102
I've wondered about this for years. How did he ever survive the assault on Falujia. Personally, I think letting this guy live is one of their biggest mistakes.
9 posted on
11/28/2008 4:44:02 PM PST by
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