Thank you! Cooking dinner, popped in to see if there were any pings!
Thank you, daisy! Laura Bush is so lovely.
Great photos with the Christmas tree and on
MTP this morning.
She is the epitome of class, grace, kindness
and is SO sweet.
Here’s the video of her on MTP this morning.
Some folks think Brokaw was unduly harsh to
her on the subject, but through it all: she
was Laura, focused, gracious, knowledgeable,
and forthright.
Note how she sees that Pres. Bush was weepy
in the tape of his farewell to the troops at
Fort Campbell, and she got melancholy watching
him. They truly love each other so much.
God bless her .. as we have been richly blessed in
having Pres. and Laura Bush in our White House these
last almost 8 years.
This last Christmas for them in the WH is sure going
to be melancholy for us ............ sniff.