Navarrette is right. I’ve tried several times to convey on this site that the Hispanic vote is ours for the taking if we exercise some forethought in the way in which we convey our conservative principles.
To wit, the following will not work:
“Hey, you, ‘taco-breath Mexican’: vote Republican!”
On the other hand, these might just work:
“Latino: Vote to keep more of your hard-earned money, vote for lower taxes, vote Republican.”
“Hispanic Christian: Democrats believe in abortion on demand; we believe that the life God gave us is sacred. What do you believe? Vote for life, vote Republican!”
There is a simple formula we MUST internalize:
One(1) Racist Comment + MSM Megaphone = Lost Votes
All it takes is one racist comment. It sucks, but it’s the truth. You and I both know 99.9999% of conservatives are not racist at all, but we also know that the MSM will always distort the conservative message. Handing the MSM the ammunition with which to do so is foolish. Self-restraint in public rhetoric, coupled with forceful and visible repudiation of those rare racist comments coming from within our own ranks, is the wisest strategy.
prediction #1 : Led by a Democrat controlled Senate / Congress and moderate Republicans - Amnesty passes for the 12 to 20 million illegal immigrants.
prediction #2: 2012 - President Obama is re-elected and deflating hopes for Republican Conservative President.
Outrage, distrust and finger pointing further divides the Republican Party among it’s conservative counterparts.
prediction #3: Conservatives break away from the Republican Party forming a last ditch effort to maintain there Christian values, principles and core beliefs.
prediction #4: A revolt occurs mainly with white conservatives, knowing that all is lost, many begin to isolate themselves with the general public. White flight becomes more and more prevalent. The remaining conservatives give in and accept the idea liberalism. As an attempt to maintain the majority, political measures to curb immigration fail miserably. More attempts to pander to the Hispanics also fail.
Further asserting Racist, Xenophobe, Bigots and Homophobes labels. Whites conservatives are increasingly the minority in the U.S.
Fearless prediction #5: States that are traditionally conservative like Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina become Democrat controlled. States like North Carolina, Florida, Ohio are now solidly blue states.
Art Torres 1986
“Proposition 187 was the last gasp of white America in California.”
Prediction #6: Year 2012
Art Torres
“We have taken back the southwest region and much more, the last gasp of white america and the conservative movement”