“OH ya all better watch out! The Ron Paul is a loon crew will be hear shortly to slime him.”
By now, most of them have slithered back into their slime pits. So now, the result, the truth, and the reality exposed for all to see and experience, I doubt they will be so bold to even risk a peak at this juncture.
Ron Paul was the only candidate who “talked the talk and walked the walk.” He gave it his all to expose the truth to all Americans. As the only candidate on the republican ticket who understood the looming crisis and it’s root causes, his message fell on deaf ears. He was “laughing stock.” But no one is laughing now.
I think the bulk of his detractors here were blinded by their desire to retaliate against OBL. Surely, a worthy cause. So blinded that they were ready, willing, and able to overlook a constitutional requirement for congress to declare war before sending our sons and daughters off to war.
In this case, folks who would normally defend our constitution found themselves conflicted. And when Paul would remind them of the constitutional provision regarding war, they closed their eyes and clasped their hands over their ears. They simply didn’t want to be reminded of the truth they already knew. So the only way for them to deal with their internal struggle was to convince themselves and others that Dr. Paul was a “loon” who was against the war. Then by default, he supported terrorists. Then they went about associating him with “911 truthers” and “skinheads.” Whatever it took to silence his message was fair game.
Today, we have one lone “loon” in congress who stands ready willing and able to defend our constitution. One lone “loon” who understands what has delivered our current economic crisis. If there are others in congress like him,now is the time... please stand up!
You may wish that, but it doesn't make it so.