We already have a guest-worker program that works. Its called “legal” immigration. We allow a million people per year to immigrate legally. Every year. I’ve yet to see anyone try to explain that a million a year isn’t enough. If it isn’t enough, increase it to any defensible explainable number. But don’t saddle us with a legal monstrocity that will create in law what we already have in fact, a population of second-class workers.
If you need a man bad enough to bring him into the country, then you need him bad enough to grant him the rights of any immigrant. If you don’t need him that bad, you don’t need him that bad. It shouldn’t be that tough when you’re hiring to hire from among the million immigrants coming in legally, or the 280 million Americans already here.
You got that right, we already have a guest worker program. This saying we need to import people to do so called jobs that the Americans won’t do is nothing but a lie and actually it is a form of racism since the group it imacts most are blacks and lower class whites.