Um, excuse me but who asked for your advice?
A whole lot of people who have no clue what it’s like have been telling us what we should do and we are just suppose to happily take the idea that “we voted for dems so we deserve it” and “need to leave everything you own” on an if come or a maybe of a job? Yes, abandoning our mortages is exactly what you are talking about. NO one is going to buy my house when we have so many foreclosed houses in the area that can be snapped up for a song.
This is good advice?
Some people have never lost everything with no hope of getting it back so they are clueless.
So I’ll ask you again, who asked you for advice or had a hand out on this thread?
Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Getting all whiney and calling it "heartless" is even more unproductive.
Some people have never lost everything with no hope of getting it back so they are clueless.
Did you miss the part where I started with an apartment full of furniture and ended up living out of the trunk of my car?
If you are physically and mentally capable of working you are in no danger of "losing everything."
It's just stuff. If it's stuff that you can't get rid of then you don't own it. It owns you.