I think you misunderstood me. I wasn’t saying you missed a chance to see an inaccurate so-called documentary. I was writing you missed a good argument when the nutter claim the “documentary” was banned by the unseen government. It wasn’t banned.
The makers knew they were libeling LBJ and lying about an involvment so they ran with their tails between their legs.
I have a quote somewhere. It’s by an Englishman and I can’t find it right now. I’ll have to write as I remember it:
“All education is nothing save this. Knowing when the other is speaking twaddle.”
Did you read the recent posts, one of these guys is claiming that the computer re-creations are all rigged to point to Oswald, they’re in on the “cult of government” conspiracy to pin it on Oswald.
I also saw that ALASKA is on the UFO ping list, shocking.