The NRA knew we were going to lose with the Supreme Court stacked against us. Remember, it was five years ago when Robert Levy started the case. Since Levy never even owned a gun, he had nothing to lose. Again, remember, Robert Levy is also on record for believing employers can tell you what you can carry in your personal vehicle and be fired no matter how many years you have on the job. The employees in question never had the opportunity to know about the policy change or the fact the employers can search their cars.
It was pure luck that President Bush was able to give us Roberts and Alito who are staunch Second Amendment supporters in the meantime.
Four Supreme Court Justices on the bench right this second have no idea how to read a twenty seven word sentence.
Four Supreme Court Justices on the bench right now don’t have the reading skills of a sixth grader.
“The NRA knew that we were..”
And therein lays the problem, they merely thought they knew, in fact, they filed a lawsuit and attempted to co-opt Levy’s lawsuit into theirs and quash the whole attempt.
Believe it or not, people pay attention to things such as that, Levy is a Libertarian as I recall, he chose a very clever strategy, one he co-opted from Thurgood Marshal’s lawsuits in the 40’s and 50’s, the NRA would never try to make the attempt.
Not that I hold that against the NRA mind you, these other folks can skate around and try different sorts of things, the NRA is goaltender at the Legislative level, if it goes by them, there is nothing the JPFO,GOA,SAF can do if the NRA fails.