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How do you know that Donofrio thinks that Obama really has a vault BC showing he was indeed born in HI? He actually thinks that to be so?

310 posted on 11/21/2008 8:33:19 AM PST by little jeremiah (Leave illusion, come to the truth. Leave the darkness, come to the light.)
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To: little jeremiah
How do you know that Donofrio thinks that Obama really has a vault BC showing he was indeed born in HI? He actually thinks that to be so?

It doesn't matter at this point whether he was or wasn't born in Hawaii as I see it with Donofrio's case. His case with Obama is that he was born by an American mother and a British citizen which would only allow him to be a citizen, not a natural born citizen. Twicky!
311 posted on 11/21/2008 8:38:30 AM PST by jcsjcm (Upholding the Constitution til my last breath)
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To: little jeremiah; jcsjcm
And the beauty of it is, even Obama's own "fact check" website (and again I use the term loosely) does not dispute his historic dual citizenship. I'm going to quote this and put a link to the "fact check" website just in case they "correct" their facts and it disappears -- I have a PDF as well.

In other words, at the time of his birth, Barack Obama Jr. was both a U.S. citizen (by virtue of being born in Hawaii) and a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies (or the UKC) by virtue of being born to a father who was a citizen of the UKC.

Dual citizenship precludes natural-born citizenship. Allowing a foreign citizenship to expire after the fact, or renouncing a foreign citizenship after the fact, does not and cannot instate a natural-born status.

The case is clear and obvious. Obama is not eligible. The trick was to get through the masses of red-tape as well as legislative and judicial activism to get the facts on the table! Unless the SCOTUS is prepared to throw the Constitution out the window, the end result is (or at least, should be) clear.
315 posted on 11/21/2008 8:54:52 AM PST by so_real
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To: little jeremiah

Leo is not sure but he said he fashioned his case so that he did not need that to prove O is ineligble. The BC is part of his case but Leo does not rely on it at all.

Leo told other attorneys follow his path because if O pulls out a real BC then their cases are sunk. Leo set up layers of claims to strengthen his case like a smart attorney would do.

Leo said roughly that he was assuming O had a real BC but he said it does not matter because he was born a British citizen. In fact, Leo various claims could have 3 reasons why O is not eligble and maybe more.

324 posted on 11/21/2008 9:29:26 AM PST by Frantzie
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To: little jeremiah
How do you know that Donofrio thinks that Obama really has a vault BC showing he was indeed born in HI? He actually thinks that to be so?

Leo's rationale is that Obama IS a lawyer. A lawyer will generally have the paperwork to back up his side and NOT "bluff" on something as important as this.

There may be something damning in the COLB, but Leo said on Lan's radio show that this whole COLB thing is PROBABLY just a distraction - a rope-a-dope to keep us focused off the real issue.

Remember, Leo is looking at this through the eyes of the Framer's view of "Natural Born Citizen" -- with the office of unique CONSTITUTIONAL qualification requirements of POTUS. That little Senate Resolution in April/May proves the UNCERTANTY of this issue for McCain (but was intended by the Dems to help Obama, too):

S.RES.511: A resolution recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen. (please read for yourself)

Furthermore, after reviewing the events of the last year, Leo thinks McCain and the GOP never brought the issue of Obama's dual citizenship or divided loyalties because THEY REALIZED in a CONSTITUTIONAL-context McCain may not be considered a Natural Born Citizen himself.

Again, Leo's view is that in a CONSTITUTIONAL-context (NOT via statutes governing his birth to US citizens), McCain cannot HOLD the office either, not being born on US soil. CERTAINLY, Obama can't with DIVIDED loyalties of a DUAL citizenship.

In fact, Leo's point of view is both Democratic AND Republican voters were BOTH deceived by their respective candidates and parties. Looking back at the events of this Presidential Election Cycle, I tend to agree with him.

We may have ALL been duped!

332 posted on 11/21/2008 10:00:29 AM PST by BP2 (I think, therefore I'm a conservative)
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To: little jeremiah

How do you know that Donofrio thinks that Obama really has a vault BC showing he was indeed born in HI? He actually thinks that to be so?


He doesn’t know .. it’s a suspicion of his.

351 posted on 11/21/2008 10:56:44 AM PST by STARWISE (They (Dims) think of this WOT as Bush's war, not America's war-RichardMiniter, respected OBL author)
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