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To: truthguy

Earlier this year I was behind a Ford with an extra-large bumper-sticker that proclaimed that it was built, owned and driven by Americans. My immediate thought was, “So was the Honda in the next lane...what’s your point?”

45 posted on 11/15/2008 3:40:03 PM PST by Mr. Silverback ("[Palin] has not even lived in the Lower 48 since 1987. Come on! Really!" --Polybius)
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To: Mr. Silverback
Earlier this year I was behind a Ford with an extra-large bumper-sticker that proclaimed that it was built, owned and driven by Americans. My immediate thought was, “So was the Honda in the next lane...what’s your point?”

Before I bought my first Toyota Corolla, I was looking at comparable Ford and Chevy products.

The Ford was built in Canada, the Chevy in Mexico, and the Toyota in the USA...


118 posted on 11/15/2008 5:43:16 PM PST by MarkL
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To: Mr. Silverback; All
Earlier this year I was behind a Ford with an extra-large bumper-sticker that proclaimed that it was built, owned and driven by Americans. My immediate thought was, “So was the Honda in the next lane...what’s your point?”

From my last post:
The Foreign Car Companies do not MANUFACTURE here. They do low tech final assembly. There is a gigantic difference between design, research and development, prototyping, etc and doing final assembly like the drones do in a US Toyota or Honda plant. Don't you see this. Have you ever worked for a high tech or a manufacturing company. Anyone who has can tell you the difference between Manufacturing and Final Assembly. All the technology and the profits go off shore. The know how is lost if we lose the Auto Companies. This has a profound influence on our economy and way of life. We could not have won WWII if not for the Manufacturing Prowesss that our auto companies had. We simple would not have had the know how, the tooling, and the type of people necessary. Now Slivertongue do you see my point.
149 posted on 11/15/2008 10:45:06 PM PST by truthguy (Good intentions are not enough!)
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