What an absolute A$$. This is a generalized “saying”, not military policy — or even official “opinion” of the Pentagon.
Unless they are forced to pray or stand there while a Chaplin is preaching TO THEM, or trying to convert them, then this is a ridiculously stupid issue.
Do they find it objectionable to be in ear shot when a chaplin is praying over one of their fallen “comrades”?
I remember basic on Sundays. You could either go to religious services or scrub latrines yet again. Not exactly forced, but I wasn't the only atheist in the chapel there to finally get a short break.
I don't agree with them wanting to change ceremonies (when in Rome...), but the persecution is real. I never had a chaplain try to convert me though, and I've known -- and respected -- a lot of them. May just be a few bad apples.
Some right here at FR seem to think forcing religion on military personnel is not only a good idea, but their duty!
To be fair, some don't.