Mods gone wild - that is rich. Two rules are in play here - we try to prevent thread hijacks, and we don't allow dogmatic discussions in news threads unless it is directly related to the main topic (such as the one running right now about Mormon baptisms). This story is about attacks on Mormons for their support of Prop 8, which, last I checked, was largely supported by conservatives.
I am the moderator your crowd likes to call pro-Mormon. I hold no such views. I do believe as a moderator that the basic forum rules should be adhered to, and those who violate such extensively and repeatedly will get large numbers of posts removed. And there is a small group of opponents to Mormonism who repeatedly engage in such activities. If you find that too confining, please feel free to take it up with Jim - in the end, we document all of our actions and Jim follows what we do very closely.
Un huh.
Thanks for all you do, AM.