Pubs should make the Demons do this all with their own vote. First they screw up the industry by doing nothing to help drive the price of oil down. I don’t believe it was only speculation and demand that did this. By threating to increase supplies buy drilling domestically, this also influenced the price of oil and we should be continuing to bring more supplies to market to prevent the cartels and russians from using the supply card. If the price of fuel remained at a fair market value, the big three would still be selling cars at a reasonable rate to avoid the fix they are in. But the Demons had to jump on the Global warming bandwagon effectively destroying the market for larger vehicles because of increased fuel costs. The big three are going to need at least a decade to bring out a fleet of more fuel efficient vehicles that domestic buyers find as attractive as the imports. I’ll bet if you did a study you would find that Demons buy more imports and repubs buy more domestically produced vehicles. JMT. And the pubs should be hammering them on this.
I listened to talk radio and this website and amazed how republicans believed they could undo 8 years of damage (lets say 2003-2008 = 6 years) with William Ayers and Rev Wright. And what if McCain won by 51% on that basis alone? What type of fractured country would he be responsible for?