There is already a penalty to drive into the city during peak times - it takes longer and requires you to burn more gas. You seem to be saying that people are not smart enough to realize this so the government has to reinforce this idea with high taxes.
If people can work flexible hours they will not drive during the heaviest commute time. I guarantee they are already doing that. I do it myself.
What is galling about leftist transportation policy is it always addresses demand and not supply. Like energy policy, the only thing keeping us from achieving Nirvana is the people’s bad attitude.
“Can’t build our way out of the transportation mess.”
“Can’t drill our way out of the oil mess.”
Sound similar?
We need to start looking at real solutions by increasing supply. Lefty social engineering will never solve our problems.
Not everyone values their time at the same rate. The whole point of a congestion tax is so that only those who are willing to pay the most will use the roads at peak times.