Rejoin the free. Try and see how hard it is to earn an honest dollar. It is more be psychologically rewarding, but it's rare to earn more as a private sector employee than an equivalent fedgov employee would earn. And you fedgov sinecurees (assuming that you are one) get many more perks and pensions.
Fedgov employees overestimate the level of job they would be able to gain in the private sector with the work ethic and skills they have.
There’s that “paid less” fedgov employee meme again.
Read what I actually said. I said that the employees at Fannie and Freddie are paid more than Gov GS employees, at least get the facts straight.
I never said that Government Employees are paid too little, however, the meme is also incorrect that all Gov employees are slackers. I work with some Gov Employees that are worked like dogs as they have a drop dead date of 2011 to complete all tasks.
Check the professional journals, and you will see that fed workers start with lower salaries than private equivalent, but after 15 to 20 years, the fed worker will make more than their average private counterpart. Who makes more or less depends on when one takes the pay data. Private counterpart must deal with the turbulance of a global free market that forces them to change jobs every seven years and if he/she does not keep up with the education requirments they are less competitive as they reach their mid 40’s. Before the turbulance of openning our domestic workforce to global competition, private workers always earned more than government workers. Times have changed and old paradigms do not apply.