(I go to a Mormon congregation in Central California and we are the main ones blamed for Prop 8, even though we were not alone in getting it done or even the most prominent.)
Interesting.....maybe the queer anarchists are targeting the LDS because they think it will be easier, because other Christians won’t close ranks? Well in my case, that won’t work. This Catholic would stand shoulder to shoulder with my Mormon or Jewish or other brothers. Basically, it’s western civilization vs. barbarism and a new dark age, and we need to defend civilization...all of us...together.
Thank you. And we will do the same. Anyone persecuted for their faith (provided it is a peaceful faith) should be supported by all faithful persons. Of course, our congregation is fairly well prepared in case of need. I can think of at least four cops in the congregation and there’s some pretty strong brethren who are ready and able to move on any problem. When we got hassled by No on 8 people while waving Yes on 8 signs last week, our cops were right there on top of it. A year or so ago a woman with a mental illness suddenly started laughing out loud (at an inappropriate time) and walking toward the stand. Instantly there were four hefty guys walking her out the door. It happened so fast many people were not even aware of what was happening. I just like to think how I would handle the situation. But I know we would have allies in the community from other congregations.
Well said. And dittos ... the degenerates are seeking to mock Christ and the belief in His Righteousness. Opposing that ought to be the issue around which all Christians can rally. What these pricks need is to ‘meet’ a few Society for Christian Athletes during church hours.