Oil, Natural Gas, Coal are needed to get us to the nuclear era, which the liberals and greenies have delayed in this country for 40 years. After we have accomplished the switch to nuclear powered generation for about 80% of our needs,(take about 15 years if we put our minds and backs to it) we can phase out coal powered plants and perhaps even indulge this idiotic fascination with wind power, which, as has been pointed out, needs back-up.
What a time to hand over the country to these emotional idiots!
I haven't seen an oil well (I know the drilling rig is different), was just a kid twice going through the OK panhandle, TX and those parts (about 12 and 14 years old). It looked so bleak and desolate because all you could see were the wells and no trees or much green, etc. I was fascinated with the tumbleweed and jackrabbits though, still like my midwest green not that it is all that picturesque everywhere around here.
But I met a Texan in Taxachusetts years and years ago, and he felt claustrophobic because MA has lots of trees (and pretty scenery) which I loved, have no idea what they've done to the place now. That was in the mid-60's. No the wells in themselves are not that unappealing especially compared to urban blight. I do have aesthetic sensibilities, but try to temper them to the real world in which I live and enjoy conveniences that don't lend much to the environment. I hate too much paved over stuff :-( but we need it, how much of it is another matter.
Somebody posted an article about a new kind of more compact nuclear plant, sounded like a AC unit would be, one for every homeowner. Sorry I didn't read the entire article.