So true. I often think most politicians on the Right don't even know their throats are about to be cut while they sleep.
Obama is President of the U.S. and I respect that office. But I will fight tooth and nail against any socialist and repressive policies he favors. I'm a realist and know we're up against a thug-ocracy. But you win fights by staying cool and using your wits, not by screaming at your opponent and throwing wild punches.
We need to elect a bunch of smart fighters to Congress and the RNC leadership. Newt Gingrich is my choice to head the RNC. He's smart, tough and about the only Pubbie leader I know of who understands what we're truly up against.
I agree, that would be a good first step to get Newt running the RNC. Then we can start building a fresh base.
The timing is actually very good because there should be an excellent crop of recruits coming out of the Iraq war. They are battle tested, intelligent, patriotic Americans who have put their lives on the line.