Was it worth it, Mr. Romney? (He says, "YES").
Myth Romney: "You will embrace this attack on Gov. Palin,
her little children and her baby, using only 20% of our junior staff.
Leak the attacks calling her stupid using Jindal's, McCain's and Huckabee's names
exactly like our attacks on McCain and Thompson using Huckabee's name during the Primaries.
Make Gov. Palin look stupider than a first grader - and contrast that to me.
Make Gov.Palin's family look ugly - and contrast that to mine.
Create, then support, the attack on Palin from our northern lands in the Belmont sanctuary mansion
using the same fake law enforcement badges and ploys which we fabricated and still enjoy.
I will gain GOP favor by condemning the attack and
ordering it opposed from our lands in the south, in the Hive and through Fox News and Newsweek.
Whichever way the tide runs, we will rise. "
With all due respect, you have totally lost it!