Thanks - I thought it a bit odd no one had picked this up sooner, but, then, FR was down for a spell... I sure would like to see the real source of this garbage I.D.’d. I’ve seen a couple MSM reports reporting it as straight up fact & no retractions yet. If McCain is going to be on Leno, he HAS to put a harpoon in this.
You know, this stuff (and more*) would provide an excellent opportunity for McCain to blast the MSM, without doing the “woe is me, we can’t win because of the MSM” complaint. Instead, he can be the knight that he was too much of in the campaign, but here he can be outraged at a smear, and it’d be appropriate to be so.
I was just reading on another thread, that Newsweek reports Palin supposedly wouldn’t appear at a rally with John Sununu, because he’s pro choice — the problem with that being that “John Sununu has a 100 percent pro-life rating from the National Right to Life Committee.”
And just WHO is stupid?