When will the Federal Elections Commission be done with their investigation into O’s campaign donations?
Their investigation supposedly started a month or so before the Election.
I wonder where the money trail leads? Russia, Iran, Cuba, Gaza Strip, Venezula, etc? OVER $200 million dollars in small donations. Do you think BHO knows it is illegal to collect money from a non-US citizen? I guess corruption is just business as usual to him. I don’t know about you guys but I want someone to prove to me this election was a “free and fair” election. I am not convinced this President elect didn’t buy his way in. No sour grapes here. I want to know the truth!!
I want to know what the symptoms of cocaine use are — so I can watch for them in The One when things start happening that require leadership, experience, you know, the stuff presidents were supposed to have back in the day, which The One doesn’t have.
My understanding is that there are a lot of donations that can not be traced.
They need to find a way to trace them.