Unfortunately too many SoCons were happy to have Big Government so long as it promoted their agenda. There’s nothing conservative about that.
Snatched the words right out of my mouth. Alright, I understand all that the SoCons have to say, but what about FISCAL CONSERVATISM? Mentioning Reagan, and only talking about social conservatism but ignoring fiscal conservatism, is a falsehood. Look at Bush ...followed the script more or less when it came to religious issues, but when it came to things like immigration, or better yet, FISCAL ISSUES, he was worse than a Democrat!
I support a strong moral center, but that alone only makes us ‘heaven bound LIBERALS!’
You’re right. The social issues were not the main issues of the Reagan revolution or in ‘94. It was getting gov’t _out_ of our lives, not into it, that was the driving idea.
Snatched the words right out of my mouth. Alright, I understand all that the SoCons have to say, but what about FISCAL CONSERVATISM? Mentioning Reagan, and only talking about social conservatism but ignoring fiscal conservatism, is a falsehood. Look at Bush ...followed the script more or less when it came to religious issues, but when it came to things like immigration, or better yet, FISCAL ISSUES, he was worse than a Democrat!
I support a strong moral center, but that alone only makes us ‘heaven bound LIBERALS!’