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To: governsleastgovernsbest
MSDNC is just the PROPAGANDA wing of the DUmocrat party.
66 posted on
11/06/2008 7:19:19 AM PST by
(DUmocrats - the party of slavery, sedition, subversion, socialism & surrender)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
If Chris is looking for a Lincoln bedroom sleepover to go with his “I’m Obama’s Boy” tattoo he can forget it. The Lincoln bedroom is being remodeled and renamed “The Oprah bedroom”.
67 posted on
11/06/2008 7:19:45 AM PST by
Liberty Valance
(Keep a simple manner for a happy life ;o)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Why, there’s no liberal bias in the media! Not at all!
68 posted on
11/06/2008 7:22:43 AM PST by
To: governsleastgovernsbest
What is this guy smoking??? It sure works better than the liquor I was drinking while I was watching the election returns.
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Chrissie will be in competition with Mike Rowe who already owns the title Dirty Jobs!!
In fact, Mike put a Pig On A Pedestal!!
Link to Dirty Jobs
72 posted on
11/06/2008 7:28:43 AM PST by
To: governsleastgovernsbest
73 posted on
11/06/2008 7:36:27 AM PST by
To: governsleastgovernsbest
Chris Matthews thinks WAY too much of himself.
75 posted on
11/06/2008 8:16:24 AM PST by
(" 'We the people' tell the government what to do, it doesn't tell us." Ronald Reagan)
To: governsleastgovernsbest
76 posted on
11/06/2008 8:49:06 AM PST by
(A penny saved is a government oversight)
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