“... we should stay out of that fight. We can only hurt ourselves by getting involved in a catfight among liberals. We should just stand back and let them destroy each other, while we stay focused on our principles and priorities.”
What makes you think they are going to turn on each other? That is wishful thinking. When Carter had a Democratic 2/3 majority at least a large number of them were moderate to conservative. Today, there are very few conservative dems. Our side has to be the catalyst to cause dissension amongst the ranks of the Dems. We can’t just sit back and hope for the best.
They will. Their interests are not the same. It happened in Mass. Deval Patrick was going to change the way they do business in Boston. The Democratic party bosses were perfectly happy with the way business was being done in Boston. They won.
Congressional leadership is mostly interested in getting elected so that they can provide patronage and pork for the local party structure so that they can continue to get elected. Any attempt on the part of Obama to change that will be met with a blizzard of congressional investigations of his administration, and him.
Don’t forget, the Whitewater investigation began in a Democrat congress. So did the emasculation of Burt Lance.