I was bouncing the idea around in my head before the election in anticipation of the clear delineation of our country along ideologies for the past 5 presidential election cycles. It’s clear there are those who believe in European socialism (but won’t move there...PUHLEEZ) and those of us who cling to our religion and guns, oh, and the Founding Fathers and the constitution, etc.
I proposed the notion of all the red states joining, seceding and becoming our own country. I posted the idea in another thread, but agree that our new conservative nation would be stronger, have all the business, military, energy, and the liberals would have all the poor with their hands out. Eventually, the blue states would go bankrupt, we could take them over and have our country back. Of course, by then, they would realize their liberal ideology was a miserable failure by experiencing it themselves, and not forcing the rest of us down that toilet along with them.
A gal can dream, right?
Easy access to natural resources has ALWAYS been the key to human societal progress. If easy access was not available, there were two ways to remedy the situation, trade or conquest.
Now that our fellow “citizens” have elected a regime that reject the abundance of natural bounty granted to us, I’m forced to ask, “Will I continue to rejoice in those blessings? Or should I hope for the change that this man will bring to our great progress and help this man “remake” our country?”
Ummm, I think I’ll go with the former rather than the latter.
Dreams are good, as long as they’re made of or induced by pipe.