I understand its a security issue but Savage and others made us look like racists. Unforgivable.”
Maybe, just maybe others on here will think about that. We had this group coming to our side and yes, many of them were first generation Hispanics that were born in Mexico and other Latin American countries that I dare say came here illegally a long time ago. But they became productive citizens and believed (and still do) in alot of our principles. But when you make commercials and the focus of some peoples hate and they are people that look like you and that you can identify with, what happen last night happens and the Conservative movement DESERVES the shellacking it got.
When we divest ourselves of the Savages, Tancredos, Bucahans and other bigiots,we'll get them back.
Flame away, but the longer people on this site and our side live in denial, it might be 2022 before we get the White House and Congress back because those Bigots will finally be gone from the face of the earth.
Bless you!
The Legal Latinos think we’re bigots. They have a reason to think that everytime they hear Savage or someone like him.
I always thought he was a plant. He used to run with radicals and suddenly became a bigoted “conservative” talk show host?? I don’t think so. I think he’s leading sheep to slaughter and laughing with his lib buddies all the way to the bank.
We will have to decide whether we, as FReepers, are Reagan Conservatives or Savage/Buchanan Conservatives. I know where I stand.
I look forward to working with you and other like minded conservatives on making sure we don’t let the Dems add another race to their plantation.