The socialists' system will always be overwhelmed by demand. Socialism begets infinite demand, regardless what it is. It's just human nature. Why work when the pies are free.
And then ... the money runs out, no country can print it forever.
Socialism doesn't fail, it just runs out of other people's money to give away. FDR is the best example of turning what was a bad situation into very near calamitous one. His 'New Deal' was the biggest raw deal America ever got. It did nothing to help the economy, it just paid people for what was essentially make work projects that had no lasting economy impact. That's the liberal blind spot, they don't trust people.
Reagan sapped what little extra money the Soviets had by spending on technology the Soviets could not match, because their economy could not produce it. Their economy could not generate more excess cash, implosion and total collapse.
We need to find that one pressure point, I am sure there will be plenty of options. Find it with the right timing, and poof goes the socialists. It may well be global warming.
If the current solar trends continue, before long it will be cold enough that everyone but the densest moron will realize that it's a hoax -- Pay more in taxes so government can pretend to control the weather. You couple that with the stupidity of the no drill policy and the idiocy of alternative fuels and it may in total be the key. Oil sprang up after it was clear Obama was going to win, the plan all along, so the need for cash by the oil producers is severe enough, they will constrict supply to raise prices.
I would like to see a lot more from our side analyzing this an discussing how Socialism depends on willing slaves to work it and if they don’t how it can quickly fall apart.
Then they have only two choices;
1. Admit failure and that Capitalism was correct.
2). Attempt to move into the totalitarian state and full Soviet model.