Florida? Florida went to the Marxist???
North Cuba...err..I mean South Florida pushed Obama way over...by 400-500k.
Mr. Obama slides into the Presidency without proving himself even eligible to hold the post, and certainly with less real world experience than would be required to apply for a position managing an apartment complex.
Mr. Obama finds himself Commander in Chief of the world's most powerful military (at least for now), head of the world's largest economy, and poised to nominate multiple members of the Supreme Court, where they'll likely be easily confirmed by a heavily Liberal Senate, with a lap-dog Conservative opposition that will lack the backbone to stand up and fight against "the tide".
I remember 1980 and 1984, and remember the feeling in my soul every time Ronald Reagan stepped up to the microphone to speak his message of conservatism, self-reliance, and patriotism.
Tonight, I pretty much feel like I've stepped into some kind of Anti-Reagan Twilight Zone.
To the media, the "moderates", and those blinded by the wonder of electing the first African American to the Presidency (regardless of his qualifications, or lack thereof), you will get what you asked for and deserve.
To those of us that stood up and were counted, take heart that your integrity is intact, and you did the right thing.
God Bless the United States of America. We're going to need all the help we can get.
Charlie Crist couldn’t deliver Florida. Like I said, CC is Florida’s Barack Obama.