Immaterial. He has already apologized profusely for “mispeaking” and giving the wrong impression. He’s been making up for it ever since. In fact I videotaped him several times as he attempted to set the record straight.
He was on The Huckabee Show on Fox last night and said, among other effective things, “I want to make this clear - I believe that Obama is a charlatan.”
Then F&F booked him on this morning’s show to ask him about what he had said last night. He not only repeated what he had said, but expanded on it considerably. He still had more to say, but they had to cut away for a hard break.
This is a very effective video which should be sent out far and wide.
It’s not completely immaterial because the KOSsacks and MSM are using it against McCain, and you betcha they are not adding any clarifications or apologies Eagleburger made after-the-fact. Look I like and respect Eagleburger, but you can’t go on a MSM, and especially a NPR, show, and say the things he said not knowing they are going to get twisted beyond recognition. He’s a diplomat. He knows how to finesse things, but he didn’t and it hurt McCain, even if only marginally. That is all I’m saying.