we need to repent, and undo the damage of Roe vs. Wade.
Here's the email I sent out to muy email list:
I rarely send out emails to my entire email list, but these times warrant such correspondence if any time ever did.Sincerely, and in Christ, Jeff Head Idaho, USA
We face an election of monumental choice for our entire nation. The stakes for ourselves, and particularly for our children and their children could not be higher as abject and direct socialism and Marxism, a hardening of liberal lines in the horrific practice of abortion, and tremendous erosion on the fight to preserve the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman are close to being elected to power and established in law in our beloved Republic.
In this regard, realizing that I personally am no one of great import, but realizing that through those I know, and through those they know (and so forth and so on) that we can accomplish great good, I am encouraging people across the entire nation, to join together as all Judaeo-Christian faiths with those seeking the same, in the midst of our hard work, and in the midst of our individual prayers, to make November 3rd a day of fasting and prayer for our entire nation.
I believe with all my heart that there are enough sound minded people in this nation to make a difference if we can get them out...and we need help, we need His help, in finding them and touching their hearts.
This is my own prayer:"Father in Heaven, please recognize our hard work and worthy efforts to defend the liberty and goodness of this land.If you are so inclined, please forward this email and the link below describing this activity and the reasons for it in more detail to your email lists.
"Please forgive us of our shortcomings and our lack of vigilance from time to time as evil has grown amongst us. Most of all, dear Father in Heaven, forgive us for not doing more, for not being even more active in standing against the slaughter of thy innocents by the forces of evil and death who have gained great power in our land to effect such evil...though we do recognize Thy Hand and the worthy work of millions as the tide has all too slowly turned against this evil.
"Please bless those thou hast brought forth at this critical juncture in our nation's history, a nation long blessed by Thee as a bastion of liberty for the world, to both spread freedom, to spread thy Word, and to defend liberty throughout the world, despite our weaknesses. Give us the strength and the faith to help these friends turn back the current incarnation that has risen amongst us which would support evil in our land.
"Bless us dear Father in Heaven with more such friends and allies that Thou callest forth, that we may jointly, together with Thy aid, put aside corruption, evil, and those who would bring abject compulsion, collectivism, and the destruction of individual choice and freedom in our land.
"Recognize, fortify, and magnify our best efforts to join with Thee in this great work as we jointly fast and pray on November 3rd for Thy Hand to be revealed, in Jesus Name, Amen."