I disagree. To suppress and oppress those of us who dare to continue to believe in a FREE America, and I believe "we" are many strong, they would HAVE to be armed. Obama knows we are armed and has fought tooth and nail to strip us of the right to be. His fighting wasn't for naught.He's had an agenda all along. The only way he can achieve this dream of his is to take away those rights and he knows it.
Maybe this is WHY he wants to raise taxes. KILL CAPITALISM and have an army in place for the food riots (have they already signed on somewhere?)
Raising taxes is not about helping the middle class. Maybe it's about funding his national security force. And nobody can tell me Berlin was no coincidence. He was raised by communists, marxists, socialists, mentored by terrorists and coddled by jihadists. So's his wife. Ayers must be beside himself - his protege!!!!