“Special sauce.” ROTFLMAO!! Exactly!!
I needed that after going to the Gallup website today. Our local paper, a Gannett piece of sh— had Obama landslide on the front page...
Mr. Cocktoasten, that is one unfortunate last name.
The Obamedia floated an article last week in hopes of getting their “messiah” elected. They came up with the “bandwagon effect.” They were hoping to persuade voters to vote for their “messiah” because he was going to win anyway so they might as well vote for him and be winners too. That was pretty low. The Obmedia are scum.
Okay, Daddy, but I still think there’s a monster under my bed...
Excellent arguments!
Thanks for a great post.
The logic of the article holds and so do the lines in the battleground states.
Really hope that those numbers add up and create surprise (and gnashing of Rat teeth) in NH, PA, FL, OH and maybe even VA.
All hell will break out on the networks. And it will be, now I really hate to say this, the Lord’s victory.
I’m reluctant to say that, but really, so many of you are praying and we know Who’s will we honor.
The more I see the ugliness of the Left, the more concerned I get.
Never thought it could happen here. My grandmother who escaped communism from Eastern Europe was right. Communists never gave up, they continued to work to destroy us from outside and within.
McCain wins with legitimate votes. What about the fraudulent ones? I don’t want to dash any hopes here. But I am concerned about the fraud.
Can you imagine, can you imagine my FRiends, how much fun it will be watching the MSM (CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC etc. etc..)should McCain/Palin achieve victory? What will they possibly have to say? Will they have to put a straight-jacket on Olbermann? They’ll probably close DUmmyland down, for good.
I’ve got plenty of popcorn on hand.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
What I don’t understand is,, Democrats have always gotten the minority vote,, black vote.
So I read that Obama is going to win because of the large minority vote. Yeah?? That’s the way it always is for any other Dem.
Keep in mind the legacy of Cuz Odinga in Kenya. If the polls continue to show zero on top and McCain wins, well obviously its McCain “stealing the election.” It sets up a very nice grievance to be decided in the courts or on the streets. Remember we are dealing with the ACORN/Alinsky trained agitator-in-chief.
Will Obama rally the troops for a Kenya style riot when he loses? You can’t be sure based on the way the media has handled their election reporting.
You are John McCain's debate coach aren't ya!
Thank you for a great post. I for one will not be going to bed resigned to a muslim victory.
This is a war we are in with the left.
Call it what it is: MARXISM COMMUNISM!
We have been in a political and cultural war with **American** Marxists for more than a century!
The Marxists know that they are at war. Conservatives think we are enjoying peace. ( Dumb frogs!)
Illegal voters are NOT a myth.
That is what I am most afraid of.
These pollsters have embarrassed themselves yet again. We're gonna vote. The base is fired up like it hasn't been in years. The choice is too clear. But this sets the stage for something we finally need to do: take the polls out of our politics. For too long they have been slanted, purposely or not doesn't even matter, they just need to be banned.
Because polls can be used to suppress voters they present a dangerous inteference in the American Electoral process. Only once in four years do we have the opportunity to choose our President. This should not be encumbered by extraneous numerology or any other source. If it is illegal to discourage people from voting by means of threats, it should be illegal to discourage people from voting with these inaccurate polls. Simply because polls do not involve violence does not make them any better.
Lets push to get polls out of our politics once and for all. They were wrong by as much as 21% in 1996. They were wrong again in 2000. In 2004, they were more or less close, but here we go again in 2008 with wild scattered polls discouraging the conservative voters. Over 700 polls conducted in the month of October, and these skewed up, weighted numbers are printed in bold print on the top fold of newspapers as if they were fact. When proven wrong by the electorate, there is no retraction, no apology, no fine, not even a slap on the wrist. Instead, the media gorge themselves on explaining the results telling us why we voted as if they know that, and what it means, as if they have any clue and completely ignore the incompetent polls that were outside their margins of error, as if that event never happened.
In 1996, around 90% of polls were outside their margins of error. What good is a margin of error if it does not guarantee accuracy? NONE AT ALL.
I'm done with polls. We have seen reforms tried after the 1996 election with new legislation to force them to publish demographics and stop the blatantly slanted process of using calling lists. ITS TIME FOR POLLS TO GO.
Pollsters have become the cancer of our electoral process. They have been caught red-handed taking bribes, instructing callers to "call your dog". If polls were accurate, why would they need to be "weighted?"
"The first thing we do, we ban all the polls" - Shakespeare (updated)
Posted this on anather thread earlier. No way BOs taking Indiana.
1. In the spring the polls in our area were given 20% more democratic ballots than the highest turn out. ALmost all ran out and had to request more ballots. (Operation Chaos) We chose party ballot, no party registration, This skewered the pollsters ration of D/R.
2. The Democratic Southern Indiana counties have familial ties through the generations with KKK. Remember the Klan not only hated blacks, they also hated Republicans. BO didnt come anywhere near here.
3. S of S, Ricotta and the Indiana General Assembly have been working hard to clean up the voter fraud in the state. No more 110% of registered voters voting in Lake and Marion County. (Bussed in from Chicago) All polls workers were read a statement by Ricotta that anyone involved in any way in any voter fraud could count on at least 10 years behind bars. His office would be present at polling stations through out the state.
IN will go for McCain! We’ve jist been funnin with ya BO.