Why isn’t anyone paying attention??? Never mind, they feel an Obama Presidency is more important than our safety!!!
Honestly, I think it’s the curse of everyone being “too busy.” Just like that story about how Satan will keep people from hearing God and doing his will by keeping people busy, busy, busy. Don’t you think his hand is in all of this. Satan hates everything and anything that has to do with God’s son and America, regardless of one’s faith, is a country founded on Judeo Christian values and principles and has built its society on this. Unlike Europe who slipped into darkness years ago, America is on the precipice.
We need to remember the scripture that says we are to redeem the time for the days are evil.
I’m sorry I got so “religious” but I do see this as a greater spiritual battle. For we are wrestling with principalities and powers in the heavenly realm.
This is a BS report. You can easily distinguish a nuclear test from a quake.
Report is false.
An the Jews will vote 4 u kno who
When we spread the wealth around like Obama to his 26 brothers and his poor aunt, it helps everyone, even Iran and Israel.